Tall Singles

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Welcome to Tall Singles!

Welcome to TallSingles.co.uk, a site specifically started for the benefit of taller people. In fact you could say you have to measure up to become a member! We pride ourselves in making sure that the single people on our site are tall, that’s men and women over 5'5". It means tall people joining our site have access to exactly the people they want to meet and that’s people who are above average height.

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Tall Singles

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Tall Directory of Tall things

Our Tall Directoy has been bought to you to help with all things tall! Online communities, best clothing stores, furniture retailers and other fun tall sites that we love!

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Join Our Tall Community

A group for anyone who is tall to discuss anything about being tall. Share tall stories, tall humor, places to shop for tall people, tall books and tall problems.

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Tall Singles on Facebook

We also are on Facebook! Find dating advice, tall people problems and much much more. Like, follow and share your favourite stories today.

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Tall Singles Blog

Tall Singles now has its own blog! We talk everything dating specifically for tall members. Our most recent blog features "How to find the tall man of your dreams".

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Our History

The site went live back in 2010, and is owned and managed by someone who is 6'7". The vision is to become the go to dating site for tall single people in the UK. Since starting we have had many tall singles become members and helped them find tall love online.